Team Blue

Team Leader:
Wai San

Team Members:
1) Ian
2) Jack
3) Quenic
4) Serene
5) Rina
6) Raymond
7) Jun Wei

First Challenge Accomplished!! 

Points available:
20 points

Purchase History:

Items Purchased:

How to Buy
Once your Kiyomi team video is submitted to The Organiser, your team will automatically be entitled to 20 points. You will have no points if no video is submitted!

From Friday 2pm onwards, you can start buying vouchers!
You can use this 20 points to purchase Hints Voucher  and Time Voucher.
Details of Vouchers will be revealed on Friday 12th April 2pm.

To buy the points, please kindly comment in your own team comment box below what you want to buy.
Write down your name and number of vouchers. The Organiser will verify the purchase once we receive the request.

Your team can decide how to utilise your allocated 20 points, either to buy Hints Voucher  or Time Voucher. Or you can choose not to buy at all, which means your team will have 20 points at the start of the game.

So plan wise!

Details of Vouchers will be revealed on Friday 12th April 2pm.

You can start buying the vouchers once the details are revealed!

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